热量303 大卡(100克)
别名usana almond creame fibergy
评价 一种高碳水化合物、高纤维的食品,减肥时适量食用
Fibergy is a delicious and easy way to get a healthy dose of fibre.Dirtary fiber is a vital part of a healthy diet.Start your day off right with an all-natural formula that helps sustain long-term energy.The high fibre content will also leave you satisfied,rather than looking for a snack an hour later.
1Specifically formulated to deliver long-lasting energyFibergy has been formulated to deliver long-lasting energy,provding a sense of fullness.With its quality ingredient lineup,Fibergy is ideal for helping to maintain energy and good health.So smooth and flavorful,you'll look forward to a Fibergy boost everyday.
2Contains multiple sources of fibreFibergy is an excellent way to get your daily dose of fibre。Each delicious glass of Fibergy provides over 11 grams of soluble and insoluble dietary fibre from 14 sources.
3Helps to promote lifelong nutritionNutritionists recommend diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in fruits,vegetables,and grain products that contain fibre—particularly soluble fibre
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